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Here is a preparation script for a female actress that will come in handy for auditions, workshops, or demo reel videos.
MONOLOGUE - FEMALE - “Fairy Godmother”
You'll excuse me for not doing the whole “appearing in a cloud of stardust” routine, but my back is killing me. Besides, stardust is expensive, and our budget just got cut. Whenever there are cutbacks in the fairytale world, the magic department always feels it first. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a sudden outbreak of insomnia with all the way they butchered the Sandman's budget.Now I can't afford to buy a new wand. I have been waiting for months for that funding to come through. My old one has been in the shop twice in the past week. Of course, it's not because of cutbacks. It's an older model and that Cinderella character overloaded it! Boy, that girl really cracks my crystals! All I hear is whine, whine, whine! “I need a coach. I need footmen and a groom. I need a dress.” And just when I think it's all over: “I need shoes.” So I gave her those glass slippers and I hope she has to walk over some rocky terrain!
Well, I'd better go. I have to get my wings detailed. I just have one request. Please write a letter to the Queen of Hearts, you know, the head honcho, and ask her to give us a little slack in the magic department. I speak not only for myself. The genies are running out of bottles.
Here are 5 tips for performing your monologue with a difference and confidence:-
1. Pick a precise spot for delivery.
2. Make yourself comfortable and become aware of your behavior.
3. Connecting to the character is the key, show your personality.
4. It starts with passion, do what you love.
5. Record, rehearse, and improve!
Good Luck and Good Wishes!
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