Is your acting work really slow or dead? Watch this video and learn 5 amazing strategies to resurrect your career. Click Here To Watch.   All actors go through slow periods, even incredibly successful actors. It is simply part of the business. Here are 5 ways you can move your career forward - even when things are slow or dead.   Effective Materials 1. Actors absolutely need great marketing materials. Their headshot needs to be up-to-date and their resume needs the information that casting directors and other industry professionals expect. If work is slow, this will be a great time to work on these and even an acting reel, so that you are fully ready when work starts to pick up.   Agents 2. When work is slow, you want to talk with your agent. Ask what you can do to help have more activity. If you don't have an agent, this is the time to find one. Or, if you are ready to expand into other markets, then begin searching for agents outside your area. Just make sure that if you have a contract with an agent, you are allowed to do this.   Staying Sharp 3. When things are slow, this is the time to stay sharp and shoot practice auditions. You also want to continue memorizing lines. This will be so helpful so that when auditions begin happening again, you won't feel so rusty.   You can also spend time making sure your home audition arrangement is perfect. Test out your lighting and sound to ensure it looks and sounds great. And, that you can easily edit your auditions.   Create Contact Files 4. I created an Excel Spread Sheet many years ago. I have over 1,200 industry contacts. Every time I meet someone new in the industry I add them to my list. You will want to have the person's name, email, website, phone number and a short comment about how you connected with the person. This list will be invaluable to you.   Market Yourself 5. If you don't have an agent, you will want to market yourself to all of your contacts. Let them know about something you recently worked on or even a great class you took.   If you do have representation then I would still recommend you market yourself and send any auditions or booking you might get from your mailing through your agent.   What Have You Done When Work is Slow?   On the YouTube channel, let others know what you have done to help get more work when things are slow. Leave your thoughts in the comment section.
General9 Jul 2023 Edit
Acting Work Dead Here Are 5 Amazing Strategies to Resurrect Your Career
BY aaronBY aaron
Is your acting work really slow or dead? Watch this video and learn 5 amazing strategies to resurrect your career. Click Here To Watch.

All actors go through slow periods, even incredibly successful actors. It is simply part of the business.

Here are 5 ways you can move your career forward - even when things are slow or dead.

Effective Materials
1. Actors absolutely need great marketing materials. Their headshot needs to be up-to-date and their resume needs the information that casting directors and other industry professionals expect.

If work is slow, this will be a great time to work on these and even an acting reel, so that you are fully ready when work starts to pick up.

2. When work is slow, you want to talk with your agent. Ask what you can do to help have more activity. If you don't have an agent, this is the time to find one.

Or, if you are ready to expand into other markets, then begin searching for agents outside your area. Just make sure that if you have a contract with an agent, you are allowed to do this.

Staying Sharp
3. When things are slow, this is the time to stay sharp and shoot practice auditions. You also want to continue memorizing lines. This will be so helpful so that when auditions begin happening again, you won't feel so rusty.

You can also spend time making sure your home audition arrangement is perfect. Test out your lighting and sound to ensure it looks and sounds great. And, that you can easily edit your auditions.

Create Contact Files
4. I created an Excel Spread Sheet many years ago. I have over 1,200 industry contacts. Every time I meet someone new in the industry I add them to my list.

You will want to have the person's name, email, website, phone number and a short comment about how you connected with the person. This list will be invaluable to you.

Market Yourself
5. If you don't have an agent, you will want to market yourself to all of your contacts. Let them know about something you recently worked on or even a great class you took.

If you do have representation then I would still recommend you market yourself and send any auditions or booking you might get from your mailing through your agent.

What Have You Done When Work is Slow?

On the YouTube channel, let others know what you have done to help get more work when things are slow. Leave your thoughts in the comment section.

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BY aaronBY aaron
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